
Jobe Dim Floatable Glasses

Only a few items left
22.00 OMR
  • id: 3302
  • product_id: 2325
  • id_1c:
  • sku: 426018002
  • sort: 1
  • name: Jobe Dim Floatable Glasses Black-Smoke
  • image_id:
  • price: 22
  • primary_price: 22
  • purchase_price: 9.06
  • compare_price: 0
  • count: 5
  • available: 1
  • dimension_id:
  • file_name:
  • file_size: 0
  • file_description:
  • virtual: 0
  • comcheck_dop_option:
  • stock: Array
  • unconverted_currency: OMR
  • currency: OMR
  • frontend_price: 22
  • unconverted_price: 22
  • frontend_compare_price: 0
  • unconverted_compare_price: 0
  • original_price: 22
  • original_compare_price: 0
  • features: Array



Our new floatable sunglasses have a unique dynamic design providing physical protection, the exact right amount of coverage and an excellent UV-400 lens integration to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Its comfortable design blended together with a non-slip nose holder keeps the glasses where they belong during your water sport activities. Jobe sunglasses are delivered in a soft and luxurious bag for protected transport and storage.

  • Comfortable design
  • Floatable sunglasses
  • Including sunglass soft bag
  • Non slip nose holder
  • Polarized Glasses
  • UV-400