
Jobe Aero SUP Repair Kit Black

Only a few items left
8.00 OMR
  • id: 3581
  • product_id: 2458
  • id_1c:
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  • sort: 1
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  • image_id:
  • price: 8
  • primary_price: 8
  • purchase_price: 0
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  • count: 5
  • available: 1
  • dimension_id:
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  • unconverted_currency: OMR
  • currency: OMR
  • frontend_price: 8
  • unconverted_price: 8
  • frontend_compare_price: 0
  • unconverted_compare_price: 0
  • original_price: 8
  • original_compare_price: 0
  • features: Array


Go on your discovery fully prepared with the Aero SUP Repair Kit. When your ride gets a little bit wild, fix your paddle board with a Jobe repair kit including 1 PVC patch, 1 tube of glue and 1 wrench.

  • 1 tube of glue
  • 1 wrench
  • PVC Panels