
Adventum 10.8 Orange

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170.00 OMR
  • id: 3697
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  • الماركة Gladiator
  • Series ADVENTUM
  • Model ADVENTUM 10.8
  • Length (ft) 10.8
  • Width (inch) 34
  • Thichness (inch) 6
  • وزن 10 kg
  • Maximum pressure 18
  • Warranty 1
  • Riders weight (max Kg) 140
  • مواد Single layer


Adventum 10’8 Orange is universal model. This sup is good choice for a beginner. Board shape allows to achieve incredible hydrodynamic performance, quickly picks up speed and slides easily through the waves. Everything you need is included: backpack bag, leash, collapsible paddle (3 compact parts), fin and pump + kayak seat! This board is ideal for those who have a child or likes to chill while sitting on the board. Package includes comfortable seat and double blade paddle, so you can paddle like in a kayak. The best option for beginners. Given the light weight, even teenagers can carry the board on their own.