
MOTUL Outboard 2T

Pre-order only
0.00 OMR
  • id: 378
  • product_id: 326
  • id_1c: 7bed8134-716e-40ab-996a-3de6d8f6cf02
  • sku:
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  • name: 1 Litre
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  • الماركة Motul
  • اللزوجة عند 100 درجة مئوية 5,3 мм2/с
  • اللزوجة عند 40 درجة مئوية 24 мм2/с
  • اللزوجة عند 20 درجة مئوية 0.856
  • اللون Blue



All 2-stroke outboard engines with mixed and separate lubrication: EVENRUDE, FORCE, JOHNSON, MARINER, MERCURY, SEAGULL, SELVA, TOHATSU, YAMAHA. All Jet 2-stroke engines: KAWASAKI JET SKI, SEA DOO, POLARIS, YAMAHA. Recommended for use in lead-free fuel.


Categories: NMMA TC-W3-TC WII /API TD-TSC4
Approval codes
manufacturers of cars NMMA TCW3 No. 3-84012-1995

Semi-synthetic base-lubricating properties are increased through the use of synthetic oil bases.
Superior to TC-W3 category, the highest NMMA category for 2-stroke marine engines. Provides excellent anti-corrosion protection.
Adapted for use both in the mix and separately. Instantly forms a stable mixture with any type of gasoline fuel.
The complex system of additives prevents the formation of chips, sediments, piston ring coking and the formation of carbon deposits on candles.
Painted blue to indicate the presence of fuel.

Recommendations for use

Dosage in the mixture: from 1% to 2% (100:1 and 50:1) according to the recommendations of the designers and at their own discretion.