
FishFinder LuckyLaker Wireless FF-916

في المخزن
46.90 OMR
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  • الماركة Lucky


This Wireless WIFI Fish Finder can be used in ocean, river or lake and is fantastic for detecting types of fish in any fresh water or salt water. It is based on Sonar technology. The WIFI transducer sends a sounds wave signal, the returned "echoes" are transmitted with WIFI technology to the IPHONE, IPAD or other intelligent device, then all the underwater information is displayed on the screen, including the water depth, water temperature, bottom contour, fish location and depth.
The wifi range coverage is up to 70M and can connected with the maximum of 5 devices(only one can be operated at a time).

Kayak fishing

Take the Laker for Kayak fishing, you can Install in seconds with no complicated assembly and drilling.Laker as the size of a golf ball, saves a lot of space and weight for your kayak and boat.Connect to your smart phone or laptops,the smart tec can make you easily understand the underwater environment.

Boat fishing

Easily installed without drilling, allowing the Laker fish finder to work easy and convenient .With powerful sonar detection system,Laker transform your smart device to a hi-powerd sonar and get detailed fish finder data live on your smartphone, including depth, structure, fish icons or arches